Saturday, February 02, 2008


It is here I awaken. On a Battlefield. Everyone is fighting, though I cant see who or what. It appears as though they are fighting each other. Then suddenly someone is approaching me. They get closer and appears as though they are dead. Yet they continue. It doesnt make sense until I realize. . .

The enemy isnt a visible force for its a pshycological war. The enemy is conformity waging pshycological warfare on the minds of every individual. Using weapons of mass desturction to attack our souls. The most common in this place, money. Everyone here has fallen victim. They all desire it so much that they become overwhelmed and forget what they were fighting for in the first place. Their bodies satisfied on the outside yet on the inside their neglected minds are fighting a war. It is only a matter of time before they are eaten from the inside out as a result of their selfdestructive ways.

But me I have found a cure and an answer to the question everyone is dying to answer. I have freed myself, no longer a slave to anything. I have found my sense of belonging. I have found where I belong and it is neither here nor there. I belong to . . . . . . . . . . . . .